I don’t know how the coveted Kerala Police would react to the same situation, but West Midlands Police officers in the United Kingdom have been advised to choose underwears of ‘appropriate colour’ which would be ‘inconspicuous’ under uniforms, while they are on duty.
[In the Indian context, it can be tweaked, “Avoid underwears that make a big impression.”]
The ruffled officers dubbed the advice as ‘nannying’. The ‘grooming advice’ came as jolt when the officers opened their “message of the day” section in the force intranet.
However, the officials privy to this advice, state that it has been promulgated to improve the appearance of police officers in public; that they appear smart and professional. The advice as such, doesn’t represent a policy adoption. In official parlance, it is just a commonsensical approach in these matters that has been expected out of the force.
It is unclear how adopting underwear of ‘commonsensical colour’ would make a difference…after all it’s not an outerwear, unless you are a Superman. It should be deemed that the force is getting leaner, which means, their trousers (despite having a belt) are saggy!
It is also unclear whether there are any specific directives for women officers!
The news was reported by BBC.
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